EGI is the federation of computing and storage resource providers united by a mission of delivering advanced computing and data analytics services for research and innovation.
The "EGIverse"

EGI is a federation of computing and storage resource providers united by a mission of delivering advanced computing and data analytics services for research and innovation.

EGI Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation created to coordinate and develop the EGI infrastructure and engage diverse users of our broad service portfolio.

The EGI community is a community of researchers, developers, funders, technologists, dreamers and do-ers : in short anyone with a stake in advanced computing for research.
"We continuously innovate our services and technology to meet the needs of researchers worldwide."
The impact of the EGI Federation is broad and diverse. We support all kinds of research. Examples include finding new tools to diagnose and monitor diseases such as Alzheimer’s, developing complex simulations to model climate change, searching for gravitational waves, and pursuing the dark matter.
We continuously innovate our services and technology, foster international collaborations and knowledge sharing, and finally, create opportunities for professional development and acquiring know-how.

EGI aims to support the implementation of the digital European Research Area (ERA), to contribute to the development of the data economy and the related connected digital single market in Europe, and ultimately to contribute to the development of an Open Science Commons.
We care about our users. EGI works with user communities to identify their needs, provide appropriate support and drive innovation together.
We are here to find the best solutions. EGI offers high-quality, tailored consultation and technology services for the demanding needs of every research community and sector.
We strive to deliver the best possible services. We regularly review the satisfaction of our users and constantly innovate and evolve our service offering to meet the needs of all the user communities.
We help to shape the future. EGI advises policymakers and funders on the main trends and needs in science and technology and provides recommendations on the future directions. We strongly promote the vision for the Open Science Commons.
We care about the future. EGI works towards long term, sustainable funding for operating EGI core services. At the same time, we raise funds for innovation, explore different business models while improving discoverability and reuse of services and solutions.
EGI Supports a Web of FAIR Data and Services for Science in Europe
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative will offer researchers a virtual environment with open and seamless services for storage, management, analysis and re-use of research data, across borders and scientific disciplines by federating existing data infrastructures. EOSC is being co-created in a series of funded projects and initiatives from member states and associated countries. The services and expertise of the EGI Federation are being recognised as key assets for the EOSC, especially for the Federating Core.

Get Involved
There are many ways to join us and get involved
Some Key Resources
Let's talk. Or meet in person
Science Park 140
1098 XG Amsterdam
Phone: +31 (0)20 89 32 007