Celebrating 14 Years of EGI as a Legal Entity

We would like to take a moment to celebrate the 14th anniversary of the EGI Foundation. Time really flies when you're having fun! In 2023, we marked the significant milestone of 20 years of operation of the Federation in Europe. Let's take a moment to see what other accomplishments we should be proud of.
EGI coordinated projects iMagine and interTwin celebrated a successful first year with favourable reviews from the EC, enabling them to continue their operations, with interTwin focusing on developing an interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine, and iMagine on fostering the development of an AI platform for researchers in aquatic sciences.
Moreover, two additional coordinated projects – SPECTRUM and ENVRI-Hub NEXT – kicked off at the start of 2024.
In addition to that, starting this year, EGI will strongly contribute to the EOSC procurement in two different development projects.
In the past year, EGI not only maintained its research services for over 95K registered users but also added a new service: Infrastructure Manager.
Our AAI service, EGI Check-in, has over 24,000 registered users using our infrastructure to access services all over Europe and beyond seamlessly.
Community Support
A heartfelt thanks to our amazing community that keeps growing and to the staff of the EGI Foundation (+5 employees in 2023!): we look forward to spending another successful year together.