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Updated 27/05/2024

DECIDO: EOSC Competence Centre for Public Authorities launched

Last week, the DECIDO project has had its succesful final review. As one of the key partners in the project, EGI is responsible for one of the key exploitable results: the EOSC Competence Centre for Public Authorities. If you are interested to join, please read the following Collaboration and Community Charter and send your application to

DECIDO has been working on the EOSC Competence Centre for Public Authorities concept to provide a sustainable path to foster the bilateral collaboration between representatives from the Public Sector with EOSC experts and consultants, so that the two communities can interact and profit from each other in a win-win situation. DECIDO has been acting as an incubator bringing together project pilot representatives and their teams of technical and policy experts, and the EOSC infrastructure and service supply side. This collaboration focuses on creating a channel for the exchange of support and technical expertise, that helps finding the right services for the needs of use cases, and to provide a channel to facilitate exploitation and outreach. 


The Competence Centre has kick-started during the DECIDO project, and it is open to the rest of Public Policy Cluster Projects  and any further interested parties.

The main stakeholders include Public Authorities and their Technical IT Providers on the User Side and EOSC service and technical providers on the supply side.  

The main value proposition for each of the stakeholders is: 

  • For DECIDO and other cluster projects the EOSC CC for Public Authorities creates an additional avenue to facilitate the onboarding of developed services and results to the EOSC marketplace providing a channel for exploitation. 
  • Public Authorities and Technical Partners are provided with fine-tuned consultancy, support, and training to facilitate access to EOSC ecosystem related computing infrastructure, data, and services.  
  • For EOSC Governance the concept provides a headway into a previously untapped market segment, thanks to the regular input and feedback on their specific needs, requirements, validation and testing, and overall endorsement and reassurance for other consumers in EOSC.  
  • For EOSC Providers/Ecosystem is an opportunity for expansion of their user base and overall adoption of their services, data, and technologies among Public Authorities. 

Are you interested in joining the DECIDO-EOSC Competence Center? Please read the following Collaboration and Community Charter and send your application to