Discover the EGI2024 Exhibition!

*Edited on 03/09: we are happy to welcome two additional partners: RDA Europe and DestinE (Destination Earth)*
After a successful first conference Exhibition at EGI2023, we are very happy to welcome again a significant number of community members, projects, organisations, and companies at the EGI2024 Exhibition.
Explore our permanent exhibition throughout the core conference days, and do not miss the engaging one-minute exhibitors' pitches immediately after the opening session on October 1st!

Mathworks, the leading developer of mathematical computing software for engineers and scientists, is by now a familiar presence at the EGI Conference!
Next to a booth, the Lisbon Council is also hosting two project workshops as co-located events: LETHE on Tuesday and TANGO on Thursday. They are open for everyone, make sure to check the programme and feel free to drop in!
A trusted EGI’s collaborator in projects such as GREAT and interTwin, it’s lovely to see EODC exhibiting at the conference with their own booth!
We’re happy to welcome EuroScienceGateway again. This project intends to leverage the European compute infrastructures for data-intensive research guided by FAIR principles!
Also to be found in our exhibition area is LifeWatch ERIC, a European Research Infrastructure Consortium providing e-Science research facilities to scientists investigating biodiversity and ecosystem functions.
Interested in the increasing need for cloud services at the edge, independent of any platform? The ACES project will not only have a booth at the conference, they are also organising an open-for-all workshop as a co-located event on Thursday!
AI and ML are one of the core topics of our conference (for example during the dedicated session ‘Processing Research Data with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning’ on Thursday), the AI4EOSC project will be present at our exhibition. AI4EOSC will deliver an enhanced set of services for the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models and applications for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Another AI project, AI4Europe will be responsible for the development and facilitation of the European AI-on-Demand Platform (AIoD). EGI is a proud partner in both projects!
As for FAIR Data and Open Science, FAIR-IMPACT, RDA TIGER and FAIRCORE4EOSC are hosting a joint booth, where the three initiatives will showcase how they support and promote interoperability mechanisms across domains and institutions, and foster a global alignment of FAIR frameworks
Moving to marine sciences, the ANERIS project aims to create, test and implement the next generation of scientific tools and methods for marine life-sensing and monitoring. Also, at the exhibition, you will find Blue-Cloud 2026, the project that will provide a collaborative Open Science platform for marine research in EOSC.
Our exhibition also features frequent EGI collaborators StackHPC, the company that develops OpenStack capabilities for research computing use cases.
We also welcome the presence of OiPub as part of their collaboration with the EGI Digital Innovation Hub. OiPub is a web platform for open science and knowledge sharing that works to make information faster and easier for researchers to find and share.
And last but not least, we are very pleased to host a shared e-infrastructure booth with OpenAIRE, EUDAT, PRACE and GÉANT. EGI is committed to deepen its ties with these European e-infrastructures. This intention will be the central theme during the closing session on Thursday. At the EGI2024 exhibition, we gladly provide the opportunity to our colleagues to be part of a large joint booth.
Discover the full programme.
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