EGI-ACE has officially kicked-off!

On the 4th of February, the EGI-ACE project had its formal project kick-off meeting, followed by the public launch event the day after. Both days provided room for in-depth discussions, knowledge sharing, and opportunites to improve collaborations both internally and externally.
The Kick-off meeting was the first event that allowed for the consortium to meet, albeit virtually. Every part of the project was clearly presented by the relevant workpackage representative, ranging from project management to expected events, to the exploitation and impact that are envisioned. Unfortunately, meetings like these are still not being held face to face, but luckily creativity and modern-day technology allowed for some virtual networking and team building activities. We look forward to collaborating on this great project!
On Friday the 5th, the EGI-ACE project hosted its public launch event which allowed for any interested individual to join and learn more about the project. The event started with an overview that presented the opportunities the EGI-ACE project offers to users and providers to benefit from the EOSC Compute Platform. The session was followed by short presentations showcasing the infrastructure, platform, and federation services that EGI-ACE provides in EOSC. These services aim to support various use cases in the compute, data management, and authentication-authorisation domain.
Short presentations were given by Fabrizio Antonio (CCMC), Dick Schaap (MARIS), Agnes Mika (ASTRON), and Björn Grüning (University of Freiburg) to introduce some fo the Data Space services, supported by the project. Each presentation provided a clear overview of their objectives, and how the EGI-ACE project can play an important role to support the process.
- ENES Data Space - Fabrizio Antonio
- SeaDataNet WebOcean Data Analysis - Dick Schaap
- LOFAR Science Products - Agnes Mika
- - Björn Grüning
The last part of the public launch event zoomed in on EGI-ACE partner projects from the INFRAEOSC-07 call. This provided the audience an opportunity to not only learn more about each project, but also to understand how EGI-ACE and each project aims to collaborate and what common purpose all aim to serve.
- DICE (Data Infrastructure Capacity for EOSC) - Debora Testi (CINECA)
- OpenAIRE-Nexus (Scholarly Communication Services for EOSC users) - Paolo Manghi (CNR-ISTI)
- RELIANCE (REsearch LIfecycle mAnagemeNt for Earth Science Communities and CopErnicus users in EOSC) - Raul Palma (PSNC)
- C-SCALE (Copernicus - eoSC AnaLytics Engine) - Christian Briese (EODC)
Missed the chance to attend the public launch event? Not to worry, we have collected all presentations on the Indico website. Should you need more information about the public launch, or the project, please do not hesitate to read up on our main project webpage and/or contact us at: