EGI-ACE Workshop: EOSC Compute Platform

On April 5th, we are organising a User Support workshop for the EOSC Compute Platform. Registration is now open!
The EOSC Compute Platform, delivered by the EGI-ACE project, is a system of federated compute and storage facilities, complemented by diverse access, data management and compute enabling services. The EOSC Compute Platform is designed to support a wide range of data processing and analysis use cases, the hosting of scientific services, containers and data spaces.

The workshop is organised for:
- Existing and provisional EGI-ACE use cases,
- The technical support staff (the shepherds) working with them, and
- Any party who would like to learn about the capabilities and benefits of the EGI-ACE services, and the EOSC Compute Platform to use them for Open Science.
The workshop consists of two parts:
- In the morning session, overview presentations with short Q&A slots will cover the different areas of services of the EOSC Compute Platform: Compute services; Data services, Higher-level services.
- The afternoon sessionwill consist of 'use case support clinics', where scientific communities (e.g. the EGI-ACE use cases) can work with the EGI-ACE technical experts. Bring your use case and questions to the clinics! The exact topics of the clinics will be selected from this Doodle based on the participants’ interest.
Doodle for the Clinic Sessions
This Doodle collects interests for topics to be featured in the Use case support clinics sessions of the EGI-ACE Compute Platform User Support Workshop.
When filling out the Doodle please write your name + the use case (or project or institute) you represent. Topics offered in the Doodle are:
- AI/ML (model development, training, delivery)
- Containers (Kubernetes, Docker, uDocker, Singularity)
- Orchestration (EC3/IM, DODAS, Indigo-PaaS)
- Data management (File Transfer Service, caching, Rucio, DataHub, Publishing, FAIR)
- Analytics service (Binder/Jupyter)
- Authentication, authorisation, group/role mgm
- Resource allocation and access (Cloud/HTC/HPC/GPU)
Connection information
Registered participants will receive the connection information in email closer to the event.
EGI-ACE is a 30-month project coordinated by the EGI Foundation with a mission to empower researchers from all disciplines to collaborate in data- and compute-intensive research through free-at-point-of-use services.
EGI-ACE receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101017567.