EGI and COVID-19

This webpage will contain up-to-date information regarding the corona virus COVID-19 and any of the EGI Federation activities related to that. For further queries, please feel free to contact us at
Update 8 June 2020
EGI has started to support the following COVID-19 projects:
- VINI - multi-drug multi-target docking service for COVID-19. Davor Davidovic, Karolj Skala and dr. Drasko Tomic from the Rudjer Boskovic Institute in Zagreb have started to access EGI resources to investigate possible single, double and triple-drug combinations and its inhibition on SARS-CoV-2 proteins and to perform fast virtual screening of novel drug candidates. The model is based on computing the inhibition level of cancer pathways consisting of encoded proteins with the ligands (small molecules).
- Animal genomics for a “One Health” perspective in the COVID-19 pandemic era (AnGen1H). Luca Fornesi and his team from the University of Bologna - Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences - are using the resources of the INFN-Bari provider to apply large scale genomic data analyses in pets and livestock species. Overall, the project aims to mine their genomes for potential variants that might confer resistance or susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses known to infect both humans and animals.
- HADDOCK (High Ambiguity Driven protein-protein DOCKing). Alexandre Bonvin and his team from the Utrecht University in cooperation with EGI are now working in order to port HADDOCK, the platform for the modelling of biomolecular complexes, in the EGI Cloud resources operated by the cloud providers supporting the WeNMR SLA. In addition, thanks to the synergies and cooperation already established between EGI and Open Science Grid (OSG) in the USA, the HADDOCK platform can also run structural biology simulations on the OSC grid resources.
Update 10 April 2020
EGI supports several initiatives to support accelerating progress on COVID-19 research.
Additionally, EGI and Open Science Grid (OSG) in the USA are joining forces to commit specialized technical support, specialized simulation tools, and compute and storage resources, to accelerate progress on COVID-19 research. Read and apply for the call.
Update 26 March 2020
EGI and the EOSC-Synergy project have joined forces to set up a cloud computing platform that supports COVID-19 research efforts.
A formal service level agreement is now in place to support this goal, with the following EGI cloud providers involved: CESGA, CESNET, IFCA-LCG2, IISAS, NCG-INGRID-PT. Read more about the initiative.
Update 17 March 2020
Due to the spreading of the COVID-19 outbreak, the EGI Foundation is working with partners to conduct a thorough impact assessment across the EGI Federation services, the EGI Federation central services and other assets, with the purpose of putting in place contingency measures that aim at maximizing the availability of all services. We are also assessing the impact on our community events, and the EGI Conference 2020, which for the moment remains confirmed on 23-25 June 2020. More information will follow on this website in the coming weeks.
As advised by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment all EGI Foundation employees have moved remote working until the 6th of April, therefore the office (Science Park 140, Amsterdam) is temporarily closed. Business at the EGI Foundation is expected to continue as usual, and all our staff members will be approachable via their contact details which you can find on our team page.