EGI and OPERAS join forces

We are excited that the MoU between OPERAS and EGI for long-term collaboration has been signed now. With this, we are into the action for concrete collaboration activities!
Yin Chen
Senior Community Support Officer, EGI Foundation
On 24th May 2022, EGI and OPERAS have signed a long-term collaboration Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
OPERAS is the European Research Infrastructure for the development of open scholarly communication in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH).
In the last few years OPERAS and EGI collaborated on several projects: OPERAS-P, Triple and EGI-ACE. Based on this common experience, the MoU displays the direction of a long-term collaboration.
The MoU defines joint activities in 4 areas:
- Coordinated co-design, implementation and delivery of infrastructure services;
- Research community support;
- Impact, dissemination and outreach;
- Common strategies and explore membership and cross-membership options.
The MoU between EGI and OPERAS shows that EGI is confident to stretch its service solutions and technical support to the SSH user community, helping EGI improve their overall service development. OPERAS will become a more sustainable and influential research infrastructure in Europe, eventually becoming a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC).
Both parties will also explore options of membership and cross-membership within EGI and OPERAS governance, and will seek opportunities for involvement in other projects bilaterally.

Thanks a lot for this work! The MoU is a great achievement but also the beginning of a next phase of collaborations between our two infrastructures. We are happy to expand the already existing collaboration built up during the OPERAS-P, Triple and EGI-ACE projects by formally signing an MoU and to link it more closely by more concrete actions in future.’
Suzanne Dumouchel
Head of European Cooperation, TGIR Huma-Num (CNRS), Partnerships Coordinator of OPERAS AISBL, Member of the EOSC Association Board