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Updated 21/02/2023

EGI to support two experiments funded by EUHubs4Data

EGI is one of the partners of EUHubs4Data, the project federating Digital Innovation Hubs all over Europe.

EUHubs4Data ran a successful experiment programme with three different open calls to SMEs, in which EGI services have been chosen to boost innovative research projects.

Past and running projects

a project to run closed-loop system experiment producing cybersecurity dataset(s), namely generating complete and accurate (I)IoT firmware SBoMs and their always-up-to-date vulnerability (CVE) mappings.

a project based on previous results about long-range planners to develop a software collision avoidance system for long-range drones.

EGI is coaching these experiments that have just started

an innovative platform that enables carbon credit trading using an innovative deep learning algorithm to estimate aboveground forest biomass (AGB) accurately. The main innovation of the analysis model is to minimize ground data acquisition, using available datasets to validate the results and improve the analysis performance. Another innovative aspect is registering carbon credits generated by a forest on the blockchain to ensure transparency between actors.

a project to produce novel datasets/APIs/tech to enable the evaluation of connected devices from cybersecurity and functional perspectives via “Digital Twin” innovations to guarantee operational and cybersecurity compliance. It builds on the results of the successful IoT-SESOD experiment. 

EGI also supports

Data-driven Hotel will work on three use cases for hotel clients based on a dynamic booking and income predictor, a probabilistic cancellation classifier, and an unsupervised demand clustering. This should help hotels to identify different tourist profiles according to their needs and behaviour to obtain valuable insights that will allow them to prioritise segments and personalise their offer.

Finclude developed a creditworthiness & affordability assessment model that makes decisions based on end-user financial status and not on previous credit behavior.

EGI services used in the experiments from EUHubs4Data



used by Data-driven hotel

used by Finclude