#EGI2020: a stunning success

We counted a total of 768 registrations at our EGI Conference 2020 - of course this is due to it being virtual for the first time, but we were still surprised!
The 3-day virtual conference had a packed programme, with topics ranging from technical developments to the Global Open Science Cloud. Serving a variety of participants, coming from all over the world with a total of 53 countries represented. Not only did we have a diverse crowd in terms of geo location, but we also saw a great representation of different job roles ranging from researchers to sysadmins. See a few of our key metrics in the image below.

The succes of our conference would never have been the same if it wasn't for our EGI Foundation colleagues who we called our 'Zoom Heroes' making sure no technical issues remained unsolved, the programme committee who did a marvelous job on making sure we would have an incredible programme, and of course the enthusiastic speakers, presenters and participants!
We hope that we will be able to physically meet each other at the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam, and if not, we're at least a little more experienced in organising a virtual conference.
Did you attend the conference? Could we please ask 5 minutes of your time to fill in the feedback survey for us to become even better in the following events?
The recorded sessions will be online soon, in the mean time please keep consulting our dedicated Indico page to access the presentation materials and demonstrations.