In the first plenary, we welcomed two new EGI Council members: ACOnet (Austria) and Vilnius University (Lithuania), and heard from Ludek Matyska (CESNET) about the impressive developments towards the EOSC taking place in the Czech Republic.
During the panel on digital infrastructures for data-intensive computing, Sergio Andreozzi (EGI) presented the EGI Service Strategy, prof. Jana Klanova talked about EIRENE – the European Research Infrastructure for Human Exposome Research, and Christian Cuciniello presented the EC’s commitment to Open Science.
A second panel, with Eric Yen (ASGC), Jianhui Li (CNIC) and Giuseppe La Rocca (EGI) on international collaboration for excellence in science, brought representatives from institutions collaborating with EGI on the global level, to explore existing challenges and benefits for international collaboration and the way forward.
The closing plenary explored pathways for e-Infrastructures to improve cross-infrastructure coordination to jointly deliver and support integrated access policies, service delivery, and overall an integrated environment Fotis Karayannis presented the e-IRG White Paper, and panellists Natalia Manola (OpenAIRE), Paul Rouse (GEANT), Matthias Schramm (TU Wien), Maria Girone (CERN); Antti Pursula (EUDAT), Josephine Wood (EuroHPC JU) and Tiziana Ferrari (EGI) discussed how collaboration can help to better serve the user needs, including aspects like governance, sustainability, and related policies.