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EGI2023: Wednesday Programme

June 21st

Day 2 of #EGI2023 will start with a plenary dedicated to Digital Twins with the session 'The computing and data continuum in Europe: state of the art and the user community perspective'. Understand the needs of data-intensive scientific collaborations to access a European exabyte-scale research data federation and compute continuum, learn about existing initiatives, the current state of the art and open challenges, and understand how research infrastructures and e-Infrastructures can jointly address common research and innovation requirements.

The day will be packed with parallel sessions on different topics following this opening session: OpenStack, C-Scale, or Data Analytics Platforms. Come and discuss the sustainability of the major European Data Initiatives, discover the role of National Infrastructures in EGI and EOSC, join the EOSC INFRA-O7 session (with C-Scale, DICE, EGI-ACE, OpenAIRE Nexus and Reliance), and why not attend the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid Collaboration (WLCG) Community Meeting?

Today, we also focus on AI/ML, and on Trust, Security and Identity with several sessions. Finally, if you are interested in funding models for EOSC, Green Computing, infrastructure architectures, or advanced cloud services for research - there's something for everyone on the programme! (not to mention the demonstration sessions and the conference dinner, also happening on Wednesday!)

Federated Compute Continuum

If you’re interested in Federated Compute Continuum, you shouldn’t miss:

  • OpenStack: Experience, challenges, solutions to OpenStack operations in the EGI Federation, where you will be able to know about the challenges and solutions for operating highly-available, large-scale OpenStack deployments with first-hand reports from current EGI Cloud providers and commercial providers.
  • Advanced Cloud Services for Research, to discover about several initiatives that deliver and expand cloud services for research communities.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

If you’re up to anything related to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, there’s plenty for you to do:

  • Dataspaces and AI/ML services in the agricultural domain, to learn about initiatives related to the creation of the Agriculture dataspaces and selected AI/ML-focused projects contributing to it.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, will provide a glimpse into the innovative ways AI and ML technologies, from cloud to edge, are being used to address real-world challenges in different fields, from smart cities to biology.
  • Artificial Intelligent and Machine Learning in distributed/federated environment, providing an overview of several projects working on Artificial Intelligent and Machine Learning and contributing to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and AI-on-Demand (AIoD) platform.
Data Spaces

Data Spaces is a cross-sectoral topic spanning different sessions. Here are those:

  • Vision, business model and sustainability of the major European Data initiatives will bring together leading experts from these initiatives to focus on sharing experiences and best practices for effective governance of data spaces and ensuring their long-term sustainability.
  • Is EOSC a Data Space? will be the chance to present the working draft of the “EOSC Position Paper on Data Spaces”
  • Emerging Architectural Directions for Federated Digital Infrastructures will explore existing and prospective trends for federated infrastructures that could influence their operations

EOSC is also covering some sessions, such as

  • National infrastructures in EGI and EOSC, which will zoom into the NGI and include talks that highlight new services and plans from EGI national stakeholders, and demonstrate alignment pathways for national EGI nodes and the EOSC
  • Joint EOSC INFRA-07 session, that will summarise key achievements and use cases of the various EOSC supporting projects and EOSC Future.

EOSC-related but more on business models, “Towards a sustainable funding for EOSC” will present the results of the EOSC Association Financial Sustainability Task Force consultation survey, which collected the EOSC community’s views on proposals for the financial sustainability of EOSC.

Community Events
  • C-SCALE – Enabling Copernicus Big Data Analytics through EOSC, presenting the services C-SCALE offers and the results of this Horizon 2020 INFRAEOSC-07 project.
  • WLCG Community Meeting (GDB), hosting the June meeting of the Grid Deployment Board (GDB); the topics under discussion concern operational aspects affecting the WLCG community and the EGI Infrastructure.
Security, Trust and Identity

Two sessions will address the topic

  • Trust, Security and Identity: Focus on Security, where solutions and use cases for federated trust and identity management aiming at trusted environments to exchange and analyse sensitive data
  • Trust, Security and Identity (Focus on AAI services), Digital Identity Management is a key enabler for the adoption of innovative digital and physical services. Join us to explore the latest advancements and roadmap for EGI AAI services and the topics of Self-Sovereign Identity and Trusted Research Environment.

A series of lightning talks will conclude the overview on the topic

Green Computing

Green computing has a homonymous dedicated session that will host presentations and discussions about recent activities and achievements on lowering the environmental impact of computing and analysis of Big Data within EGI Federation.

Reproducible Research and Open Science

If you’re interested in reproducible science, join the session “Data analytics platforms, tools and VREs for EOSC“, which will address how Data Analytics platforms, tools and VREs are helping scientific communities to daily work of modern scientific communities, Research Infrastructures, and the central role that EGI services are playing in this regard.

Related projects: