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Posters: Explore Research and Innovation at EGI2024

EGI2024 posters highlight advancements in data management, climate impact, energy consumption, and more. Explore these insightful presentations and engage with the specialists driving these exciting developments.

EGI2024 Posters

Posters at EGI2024

AARC TREE: Advancing Federated Access Management and User-Centric Technologies for Pan-European Research Infrastructures
The AARC TREE project builds on the AARC Blueprint Architecture to enhance federated access management and integrate user-centric technologies. It expands access to federated data and services, consolidating capacities while avoiding fragmentation.

Using AI4EOSC Platform for Integrated Plant Protection Use Case
AI4EOSC enhances plant protection by integrating AI models into national advisory platforms. It improves disease detection and crop monitoring, benefiting over 20,000 users in Poland with more accurate predictions of plant health.

Analysis of Transitioning from Centralised to Decentralised Federated Learning:  A Case Study on Thermal Anomalies Detection using UAV-Based Imaging
This research examines shifting from centralised to decentralised Federated Learning for detecting thermal anomalies using UAV imaging. It evaluates various FL methods for scalability and accuracy, addressing real-world privacy and resource concerns.

Blue-Cloud 2026 - A federated European FAIR and Open Research Ecosystem for oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters
The Blue-Cloud Data Discovery and Access service, alongside the Virtual Research Environment (VRE), forms the core of the Blue-Cloud framework. VRE offers features that foster collaboration, support data analytics, and ensure seamless integration with external systems.

CEDAR - Common European Data Spaces & Robust AI for Transparent Public Governance
CEDAR enhances transparency and accountability in public governance by developing methods and tools for digitising, protecting, and integrating data. It features pilot studies in Italy, Slovenia, and Ukraine, addressing key governance areas like public healthcare and foreign aid.

Climate Change Impact on Renewable Energy Output in Türkiye: Insights from Ensembling Global Climate Models with Extreme Gradient Boosting Regression Trees
This study uses machine learning and data from 13 Global Climate Models to assess how climate change affects Turkey's wind and solar energy production. It provides insights into future electricity generation and renewable energy policy development.

DATAMITE: DATA Monetization, Interoperability, Trading &Exchange.
DATAMITE delivers a modular, open-source and multi-domain Framework to improve data monetising, interoperability, trading and exchange in the form of software modules, training and business materials for European companies, empowering them to become new relevant players in the data economy.

Docker Container in DWD's Seamless INtegrated FOrecastiNg sYstem (SINFONY)
The SINFONY project integrates Nowcasting and Numerical Weather Prediction for convective-scale forecasting. Docker containers streamline data transfer and reduce errors, enhancing forecast accuracy and system reliability for Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD).

EGI Cloud Container Compute 101
This poster provides a guide to using Kubernetes for scientific computing, covering containerisation, deployment, and management. It aims to familiarise researchers with container computing concepts and EGI's Kubernetes-based services.

Enhancing Accuracy in Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Web Service for Metal Ions Force Field Generation
A web service improves Molecular Dynamics simulations by generating accurate force fields for metal-containing proteins. It supports simulations with Amber or Gromacs and plans to expand to additional metals.

Enhancing Global Sea Level Anomaly Reconstruction Pre-Altimetry Using Tide Gauges and Scattering Covariance Analysis
This research refines historical sea level reconstructions by combining tide gauge data with Scattering Covariance Analysis on the Pangeo-EOSC platform. It improves interpolation accuracy and provides deeper insights into sea level dynamics.

ENVRI-Hub NEXT: Bringing Environmental Science to the Next Level
ENVRI-Hub NEXT connects researchers to environmental data through a user-friendly platform, enhancing interoperability across research infrastructures. It supports climate and ecosystem research with a federated system and comprehensive training materials.

EOSC Beyond: Advancing Innovation and Collaboration for Research
EOSC Beyond enhances EOSC Core capabilities with new technical solutions, fostering innovation and collaboration. It supports a federated network of EOSC Nodes and offers integration tools for scientific research environments.

Geographic Replication of the VOMS Attribute Authority Service
The VOMS Attribute Authority service supports Virtual Organizations by integrating with existing VOMS clients and IAM databases. This poster explores strategies for geographically replicating VOMS-AA to ensure reliability and scalability post-server decommissioning.

iMagine, AI-supported imaging data and services for ocean and marine science
iMagine provides a portfolio of image datasets, high-performance image analysis tools empowered with Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Best Practice documents for scientific image analysis.

Empowering Science through Digital Twins: The interTwin project
interTwin is developing an open-source Digital Twin Engine (DTE) to integrate Digital Twins across domains like physics, climate research, and environmental monitoring. The poster will showcase the project's first software release and two prototype DTs for Climate Extreme Events and GW Astrophysics.

The interTwin IMS: Paving the Way for Project Exploitation
The interTwin project develops an open-source Digital Twin Engine (DTE) and presents the interTwin Innovation Management System (IMS) for capturing and enhancing project results. The IMS focuses on market analysis, IP management, and business planning.

Integrated Modeling of Energy Consumption Behavior in French Households: Combining Approaches to Align Needs and Consumption
This study combines behavioural models, dynamic simulations, and machine learning to understand and improve energy consumption patterns in French households. It aims to identify gaps between needs and consumption for better energy policies.

IRISCC: Integrated Research Infrastructure Services for Climate Change Risks
Climate change poses complex challenges to human systems, environments, and production. IRISCC, a consortium of top European research infrastructures, aims to strengthen resilience to climate risks and foster a sustainable future for Europe.

LETHE: Using EGI FedCloud for Data-Driven Risk Factor Prediction Models
The LETHE project uses EGI FedCloud to develop AI-based models for early detection of dementia risk factors. It aims to create digital biomarkers for personalised prevention, leveraging EGI FedCloud for sensitive data management and computing.

Prospective Geographies
This study explores "Prospective Geographies" for soil management and landscape design, integrating Earth Observation, GIS, and BIM. It aims to develop models for effective territorial planning and resource management in response to environmental changes.

Scientific Dataset Management System for the Research Institute Based on Onedata
CEITEC Research Institute's dataset management system, built on Onedata, handles complex scientific data from acquisition to publication. It integrates storage with HPC platforms and promotes FAIR and Open Science principles.

SPECTRUM: Elevating data-intensive science in Europe
SPECTRUM aims to deliver a Strategic Research, Innovation and Deployment Agenda (SRIDA) and a Technical Blueprint for a European compute and data continuum.

The de.NBI Cloud Federation
This German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI) offers scalable cloud platforms for large-scale life sciences data analysis. With eight federated locations, it supports diverse projects and integrates LifeScience AAI for single sign-on, enhancing bioinformatics research.

UHI-Stream: A User-Friendly, Cloud-Based Tool for Rapid Analysis of Urban Heat Island Effect Changes Anywhere On Earth
The UHI-Stream tool analyzes Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect by processing temperature differences between urban and rural areas. Leveraging EGI resources and ERA5-Land data, it generates heat maps and animations. Hosted on RoHub, UHI-Stream simplifies UHI studies and supports comparative temperature analysis worldwide.