EGI Federation Home
Updated 24/11/2022

EUHubs4Data Open Call received 100 applications

Opened in early September, the third and last open call issues by EUHubs4Data received 100 proposals from 23 different countries, here in alphabetical order: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italia, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.

In this call, EUH4D received applications from countries that didn’t submit any in the previous calls, such as Bosnia Herzegovina, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway.

The third open call proves the growing interest of SMEs in the opportunities offered by EUH4D to support cross-border data-driven innovation experiments leveraging the data and services catalogues set up by the project.
The results of the third open call exceed the expectations compared to the previous editions; in fact, the first open call gathered 93 proposals out of 22 countries, and the second 78 applications from 21 different countries.
EGI is proud to contribute to the effort of supporting innovations and to have been selected by many applicants!
Originally published on the EUH4D website.