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Updated 25/03/2024

GreenDIGIT project kicks off

The GreenDIGIT project, coordinated by University of Amsterdam, kicked off on March 1st, 2024. The kick-off meeting took place in Amsterdam on March 13th and 14th.

GreenDIGIT aims to keep Research Infrastructures (RIs) at the highest level of excellence while
developing novel technologies and solutions to reduce their environmental footprint. GreenDIGIT will deliver these solutions as building blocks, with a reference architecture and guidelines.

The new solutions will be validated through reference scientific use cases from diverse disciplines and will be promoted to providers and users through an active dissemination and training programme, in order to prepare the next generation of Digital RIs with a low environmental footprint.


The project brings together four major distributed Digital Infrastructures (EGI, SLICES, SoBigData, EBRAINS) to reduce their environmental impact and to provide universal, reusable solutions for the whole spectrum of digital services on the ESFRI landscape.

Within the project, EGI and its partners (CESNET, CNRS, CSIC, SZTAKI) will conduct an environmental impact landscape assessment within the EGI federation and in partner ESFRIs to identify best practices and opportunities related to environmental sustainability. We will develop an environmental metrics publication system for digital service providers and energy-aware brokering logics for scientific workflows running on EGI HTC, cloud, container and AI services. EGI will develop an environmental impact self-assessment questionnaire for Research Infrastructures. Finally, EGI will assist with project communications and will provide consultancy and training for service providers within and beyond EGI on methods and approaches to lower their environmental impact.

Photo courtesy of UvA