Meet Our Newest EGI Executive Board Members!

The EGI Executive Board welcomes two new members.
Robert Lovas and Ludek Matyska are succeeding Miroslav Ruda (CESNET) and Patrick Fuhrmann (Gauß-Allianz), who will continue serving EGI in the Council.
Ludek Matyska is full professor at Masaryk University and a Senior Researcher at CESNET. Currently, he serves as director of Centre CERIT-SC, and between 2013 and 2022, he was Director of the Institute of Computer Science at Masaryk University, where CERIT-SC belongs. He is also a member of the e-INFRA CZ Board of Directors, the national large research e-infrastructure. Since 2021, he has also been Chair of the Board of Elixir CZ and is the Czech scientific representative on the Elixir Board. After taking part in the EOSC Governance Board, Prof. Matyska is now the representative of CESNET, the Czech EOSC-A Mandated Organisation. His expertise contributes to the strategic planning and implementation of EOSC in Czechia. Prof. Matyska has actively participated in numerous national and international projects, usually as head of the national teams. Recent projects where he has been involved include EOSC-Future, EOSC-Life, and GDI. His primary research interests revolve around security in large-scale distributed systems, e-infrastructure architecture (network, computing, and data), as well as cloud and grid systems. He has authored or co-authored over 100 papers and conference contributions.
Robert Lovas is the deputy director at the Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI), Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN). He received his PhD degree in Informatics from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). He is a habilitated associate professor and the founder of the Institute for Cyber-Physical Systems at the John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, Óbuda University; a member of the Committee on Information Science at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; and an advisor of the HUN-REN Headquarters. His research and development experience in a wide range of application fields of distributed and parallel systems has been gained in various global, EU and national collaborations with academic organizations, universities, and enterprises focusing on computational chemistry, numerical meteorological modelling, bioinformatics, agriculture, connected cars, and Industry 4.0. He has been coordinating EU FP7/H2020/HE projects and the HUN-REN Cloud research infrastructure. His latest cloud, big data, IoT and AI-related research achievements contribute to the recently launched Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems National Laboratories.

The last two decades have been remarkably exciting: digital research infrastructures have undergone continuous development both in my immediate environment in Hungary and at an international level. My primary goal in my work at HUN-REN SZTAKI is to bridge the gaps between cutting-edge research infrastructures and the most diverse scientific user needs, whether they are related to the interoperability between various computational and data platforms, or the elaboration of scientific gateways – often in collaboration with EGI and its members in numerous joint EU projects. Last year, we successfully integrated the Hungarian Research Network cloud system (ELKH/HUN-REN Cloud) into the EGI infrastructure.
As a new member of the EGI Executive Board, I have the opportunity to contribute my experience to EGI's more prominent role in overcoming the challenges of EOSC. In addition, it is my intention to contribute to the long-term prosperity of the EGI community through its continuous growth and other strategic initiatives, such as the ESFRI programmes." - Robert Lovas, deputy director at the Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI), Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN)