New and renewed members of the EGI Foundation Executive Board
We’re happy to announce that the EGI Foundation Executive Board is welcoming two new members: Tommaso Boccali and Mariusz Sterzel with a term running from 01-10-2021 to 30-09-2023.
Mariusz Sterze is currently a Manager of the Quantum Computing Laboratory and Polish representative in EuroHPC Governing Board. Mariusz holds a Ph.D in quantum chemistry and his main area of interest has been users’ support for various scientific communities.
Tommaso Boccali is a Senior Researcher at INFN and currently working in Pisa. With time, he has moved interests from pure physics research, to the design, construction and operations of large computing systems. Tommaso has a PhD in particle physics from Scuola Normale Superiore, and spent the last 20 years working mostly on high-energy physics experiments at CERN. Tommaso was in the EOSC Architecture WG, and in the newly formed Technical Interoperability WG. For many years he has been part of Science Europe WGs.
“I am excited to be part of the EGI Executive Board since I have crossed paths with EGI many times in my research activity, and I have always appreciated its professionality and vision. To be a direct part of the decision, strategy and planning processes is a great honor for me!”, Tommaso says about the new role.
The EGI Foundation Executive Board is also renewing the membership of existing members Miroslav Ruda and Patrick Fuhrmann, approved for second term of two years until 31-12-2023.