New service level agreements: EISCAT, Binareé Oy, Cos4Cloud and C-SCALE

We are pleased to announce the following new service level agreements:
EISCAT_3D will be the world’s leading facility for research of the upper atmosphere and the near Earth space or the geospace environment. EISCAT_3D is included on the ESFRI roadmap and will be a world-leading international research infrastructure to study the Earth's atmosphere and to investigate how it is coupled to space. To support its mission, the EGI Federation is pledging the following services: Cloud Compute, Workload Manager, Online Storage, Notebooks and Check-in from providers TR-FC1-ULAKBIM (Turkey) and CESNET-MCC (Czech Republic).
Binareé Oy
Binareé Oy is a recent spin-off from the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), doing research and development in embedded device and IoT security, Binaré offers both professional services and an automated analysis platform to meet various needs for IoT security. EGI is supporting the SME through the EUHubs4Data project, offering Cloud Compute and Online Storage services from the INFN-Cloud Bari provider.
Cos4Cloud is a European Horizon 2020 project to boost citizen science technologies. Cos4Cloud is now using EGI Cloud Compute and Online Storage services from the IFCA-LCG2 provider.
C-SCALE project aims at enhancing the EOSC Portal with pan-European federated data and computing infrastructure services for Copernicus. EGI is supporting one of the project’s use cases – Aquamonitor – with Online Storage, Cloud Compute and High-Throughput Compute services from NCG-INGRID-PT (Portugal) and INFN-CLOUD-BARI (Italy) providers.