EGI Federation Home
Updated 01/04/2021

SoBigData JupyterHub is online!

The SoBigData project announced a new service for interactive analysis based on the EGI Notebooks Service 

We are glad to announce that SoBigData launched a new service empowering scientists to develop algorithms and methods with JupyterHub and SoBigData libraries, deploy methods in a cloud-based environment and execute experiments interactively. 

Started in 2015, SoBigData “proposes to create the Social Mining & Big Data Ecosystem as a research infrastructure (RI) providing an integrated ecosystem for ethic-sensitive scientific discoveries and advanced applications of social data mining on the various dimensions of social life”. The new integrated service will increase the ability of scientists to develop social mining algorithms and methods in an easy and interactive way. 

The service is based on the  EGI Notebooks Service and operated by the EGI Foundation, who represents the EGI Federation in SoBigData++ project. The EGI contribution to the new services includes:

  • Implementation of extensions to integrate the SoBigData workspace in the EGI Notebooks service
  • Integration of the  SoBigData Authentication/Authorization system in the EGI Notebooks service
  • Installation of the SoBigData libraries in the Notebooks environment

Users can access the service through their institutional credentials thanks to the integration of the SoBigData portal with the European Open Science Cloud Portal authentication and authorization infrastructure based on EGI Check-in service.

Users can already access the service.

See more information.