EGI Federation Home
Updated 01/07/2024

Welcome to EGI2024!

A word from programme coordinator Gergely Sipos

As programme coordinator of EGI2024, I am very proud to present to you the official EGI2024 Conference Programme. In collaboration with the Programme Committee and the EGI Foundation Staff, we have managed to create an engaging and balanced programme, based on the 100+ abstracts we received. 

A range of topics, all closely related to the core activities of the EGI community and its partners on the global research landscape, is featured on the programme: from Digital Twins to AI, from Data Management to Data Spaces, from Cloud Computing to HPC, from Sensitive Data Processing to Green Computing - there will be something going on every day to cater to your taste and interest.

As we are co-hosted by CMCC, part of our conference will focus on Climate Change and Computing for a Greener Environment as an underlying topic. Next to this, a broad view of our community’s innovative approaches to computational infrastructures, contributions to Open Science and the European Open Science Cloud, and of course activities related to Trust & Security are featured on the programme. 

I’m particularly pleased to announce Davide Salomoni (Fondazione ICSC – Centro Nazionale per HPC, Big Data e Quantum), Nanjiang Shu (EISCAT_3D) and Nadia Pinardi (UniBo, GlobalCoast) as plenary speakers on Wednesday morning. 

The conference will provide an excellent opportunity to network with representatives of digital research infrastructures from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. Besides the well-known FitSM foundation training, we will also organise for the first time a FitSM implementation workshop, a new initiative to support institutes and projects to put service management knowledge into practice and boost the establishment of service management systems in federated environments. 

I would like to express my gratitude to the programme committee members who have helped with shaping the programme: Amanda Calatrava, Elisa Cauhé, Donatello Elia, Enol Fernandez, Luciano Gaido, David Kelsey, Tamas Maray, Paola Nassisi, and Sorina Pop. 

Of course, this conference would not be possible without the contributions from our community during the Call for Abstracts: your talks, demonstrations and posters define our programme - representing the wide variety of topics, skills, projects, and collaborations that exist in our community.

Last but not least, I would also like to thank CMCC for hosting us - as a valued project partner (e.g. in the interTwin and iMagine projects) and community member, the conference would not be possible without their in-kind contribution.

If you're coming to EGI2024, make sure to make use of our Early Bird offer! Register until July 31st and get your ticket at a reduced rate.

Looking forward to seeing you in beautiful Lecce!  

*early bird registration is open until July 31st August 15*