EGI response to the war in Ukraine
Our Ukrainian colleagues are impacted by the military aggression, working from remote locations, separated from their families and in very precarious conditions. EGI staff and colleagues from across Europe closely follow the situation from both human and service operations perspectives and offer help and support.
In the name of all scientists who believe in peace, the EGI Executive Board has decided to keep our bridge open to Russian Federation-based facilities to let freedom, openness and peace prevail (Read our message). However, we are taking all the necessary steps to be prepared for the possible suspension of services through the national regulations.
As a result, EGI has set up a crisis team that prepares for the potential measures aiming at restricting access to compute, storage facilities and other digital services and examines their possible consequences in detail. Our crisis team’s actions will allow us to handle and support technical interventions our National Grid Infrastructures may require in future without any significant disruption of our services. The crisis team also released instructions to EGI partners, ensuring that our federation is not misused for possible cyberattacks.
Contact the EGI Crisis team set up in a response to the current war in Ukraine.
Read our message to the EGI Community and its scientists.