EGI Federation Home

EGI Federation

EGI is a federation of computing and storage resource providers united by a mission to support research and development.

The federation is governed by its participants represented in the EGI Council and coordinated by the EGI Foundation.

EGI Federation


All researchers should have seamless access to services, resources and expertise to collaborate and conduct world-class research and innovation


Deliver open solutions for advanced computing and data analytics in research and innovation

EGI Council

The EGI Council is responsible for defining the strategic direction of the EGI federation. The Council acts as the senior decision-making and supervisory authority of the EGI Foundation, with a mandate to define the strategic direction of the entire EGI ecosystem.

The EGI Council welcomes applications from like-minded countries and organisations to become part of the EGI vision for a stronger research and innovation sector in Europe.


EGI Participants


Represented Countries


Total Represented Organisations

EGI Council Associated Participants

Our Impact

The EGI Federation’s impact is broad and diverse. We support all kinds of data-intensive research. Examples include finding new tools to diagnose and monitor diseases such as Alzheimer’s, developing complex simulations to model climate change, searching for gravitational waves, and pursuing dark matter.

EGI supported over 29.000 publications throughout the last 12 years.

Our continuously developed services and collaboration with the industry boost data-driven innovations.

During the past 12 years, we have either coordinated or contributed to 55 international projects.

We provide training opportunities and professional advice, differentiating us from commercial providers.


Key milestones in the EGI Federation history



First large scale experimental facility for distributed computing is successfully demonstrated by the partners of the DataGrid project



The first data processing tasks are formally recorded in a central accounting system



The EGI Foundation is created and the new EGI flagship project EGI-Inspire is launched



The scientific accomplishments of LHC are formally acknowledged with the  Nobel Prize in Physics 2013 to François Englert and Peter W. Higgs. LHC conceptualised distributed computing as a new approach to data-intensive science and successfully proved its viability at worldwide scale.  



The first example of large scale cloud federation – the EGI Federated Cloud – is launched



EGI, EUDAT, GEANT, LIBER and OpenAIRE publish the position paper on a ‘European Open Science Cloud for Research’



LIGO/VIRGO scientists behind the detection of gravitational waves were awarded Nobel Prize in Physics 2017. The collaboration relied on some of the largest European research data centres that are part of the EGI Federation



The EGI infrastructures break the record of +1 Million core and +1 Exabytes of research data federated worldwide



EGI is proud to support over 84,000 users and to celebrate 20 years of operations

Join the EGI Federation! Become a member

EGI welcomes like-minded countries and international organisations who wish to become part of the EGI vision for a stronger research and innovation sector in Europe. Are you interested?

Questions about EGI Federation?

Get in touch!

Science Park 140
1098 XG Amsterdam

Phone: +31 (0)20 89 32 007

Contact overview page