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BD4NRG workshops - online and in-person

05-06/12/2023 online, 13/12/2023 Ljubljana

BD4NRG organises three workshops, one for each BD4NRG pilot pillar - BD4NET Operation of Electricity Networks, BD4DER Management of Distributed Energy Resources, and BD4ENEF Investment and Efficiency in Buildings.

BD4ENEF Workshop "De-risking investments in energy efficiency and increasing the efficiency and comfort in buildings"

WHEN: 05 December 2023, 10 AM CET

Reducing energy consumption is of growing importance to the EU. Energy efficiency measures are increasingly recognised as a means not only to achieve a sustainable energy supply, cut greenhouse gas emissions, improve security of supply and reduce import bills, but also to promote the EU’s competitiveness. Buildings are responsible for almost a third of final energy consumption, therefore it is important to increase the energy efficiency and comfort of buildings. Furthermore, there is a need to increase investments in energy efficiency measures, which can be achieved by de-risking investments, in particular by reliably predicting and monitoring energy savings. The BD-4-ENEF” Large Scale Pilots (LSPs) focus on increasing the efficiency and comfort of buildings, and de-risking investments in energy efficiency, as both are interlinked.

BD4NET Workshop "Increasing the efficiency and reliability of the electricity network"

WHEN: 06 December 2023

The ability to analyse and manage vast volumes of data is increasingly important in order to improve operational efficiency and the reliability of the electricity network. Predictive analytics use the massive amounts of data available today and to inform realtime decisions that have a significantly positive impact on reliability and performance. In particular, predictive analytics provide early warning of equipment failure and abnormal operating conditions that may go unnoticed within the realm of traditional maintenance practices. Therefore, it can be used to minimize outages as well as improve equipment reliability and performance while avoiding potential failures. The proposed “BD-4-NET” Large Scale Pilots (LSP) focus on predictive analytics that can forecast and increase the efficiency and reliability of the electricity network.

BD4DER Management of Distributed Energy Resources

WHEN: 13 December 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia