This webinar is the second in a series of three Blue-Cloud 2026 Training Academy webinars on FAIR* Data Principles.
With input by EMODnet, Copernicus Marine and several leading marine Research Infrastructures, the Horizon Europe Blue-Cloud initiative developed a collaborative web-based environment that enables open and simplified access to an unprecedented wealth of marine data resources and interoperable tools. In order to implement a technical federation, Blue-Cloud2026 is working with several Blue Data providers towards shared semantic harmonisation for facilitated discovery of blue data and data products. It does so by harmonising and expanding semantic brokerage services interacting Machine-to-Machine with web services and APIs as provided and operated by the Blue Data Infrastructures.
By federating different “blue” Research Infrastructures, Blue-Cloud is contributing to increasing the available data volume and to an easier discovery and access of blue data, open to researchers, industry and society from Europe and beyond to address issues related to climate change, food, biodiversity conservation, sustainable ocean economy, pollution and natural hazards. This approach is ultimately improving the quality of data available thanks to harmonisation, validation and qualification done in collaboration with the different BDIs, utilising best practices and standards, and assessing interoperability of the various sources as provided by each federated BDIs.
This webinar will present some of the recent examples of how Blue Data Infrastructures are working towards FAIR assessments and FAIR Implementation Profiles. It will be combined with best practices from projects and initiatives in Europe contributing to M2M semantic interoperability.
Who should attend
- Researchers working at Blue data infrastructures and e-infrastructures
- Research Institutes & Academia
- Ocean observation, data and modelling institutions