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Cloud Services for Synchronization and Sharing (CS3) 2023 Barcelona Conference

9th edition of the annual CS3 conference will take place in Barcelona, March 6-8 2023.  The event is hosted by ESADE Business School in the Forum-Pedralbes Campus and is co-organized by CERN, ETH Zurich, SUNET, SURF and TRUST-IT.

CS3 is a community of providers, developers and users of innovative storage and sync&share systems integrated with research services supporting Open Science and FAIR research: Data Science Environments, Collaborative Authoring, Open Science Repositories and Data Transfers.  CS3 reports on the progress in data science at all levels: local laboratories, regional collaborations and global science. CS3 applications range from innovative big-data analysis to science outreach and education.

CS3 2023 programme features over 40 abstracts organised in several tracks: EFSS Products, Scalable Storage Backends, Federated Infrastructures and Clouds, Science Mesh and EOSC, Security and Authentication.

Confirmed keynotes:

 - Prof. Alfonso Valencia on Bioinformatics and Supercomputing

 - Prof. Barend Mons on FAIR Principles for Open Science and Data Stewardship

We encourage those interested in service deployment, becoming part of Science Mesh federation in the context of EOSC, networking with EFSS industry or looking for future collaborations to take part in the event and in person  discussions and networking  with the community.

Registration and practical information.