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Distributed Training course – Intro to BioImage Analysis with Python for Life Scientists

7-9 October 2024 - Sweden, France, Portugal
Training Course BioImage Analysis

Euro-BioImaging is proud to announce a pilot distributed training course for “Intro to BioImage Analysis with Python for Life Scientists” from October 7th to 9th. This course is jointly organised by three Euro-BioImaging Nodes and will be run at three connected training centres that are part of Euro-BioImaging:

  • University of Gothenburg, Sweden – NMI Sweden Node
  • Institut Pasteur, Paris, France – France BioImaging Node
  • Gulbenkian Institute of Molecular Medicine (GIMM), Oeiras, Portugal – PPBI Node

Registration is open until September 18th

eRImote Project
7-9 October 2024
Sweden, France, Portugal

Connecting EU projects

This course is organised as part of the Euro-BioImaging involvement in the eRImote project, focussing on “Remote and Virtual Access to Research Infrastructure Services”, and a significant component of the training will build on the outcomes from the AI4Life project. This part of the training will familiarise students with the BioImage Model Zoo and ZeroCostDL4Mic.

The course will implement a joint virtual platform for all attendees at all sites, ensuring everyone has access to the same environment for their analysis and learning. This virtual platform is the BAND remote desktop, developed as part of the Euro-BioImaging involvement in the EOSC-Life project by Jean-Karim Heriche and Yi Sun from EMBL [link].

This training event also benefits from the EGI Training Infrastructure service supported by national resource providers in the EGI Federation. In particular, CESNET is providing the computational resources and support to host BAND for this training event.

The project, therefore, brings together outputs and initiatives from different EU projects and collaborations in the European data space to benefit life science researchers and make new ways of training possible.