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Training at EGI2022

Authentication Authorisation Infrastructure

The EGI Notebooks service is an environment based on Jupyter and the EGI cloud service that offers a browser-based, scalable tool for interactive data analysis. The notebooks environment provides users with notebooks where they can combine text, mathematics, computations and rich media output.

In this tutorial, the EGI Notebooks fundamentals will be presented and will be explained how to use it with Binder and other open-source solutions to implement Open Science.

Target audience: This tutorial is designed for scientific communities, for programmers and IT-service providers who are interested to use Jupyter Notebooks as a tool for Open Science.

About this Workshop

This tutorial will give an overview about the service and provide guidelines to support the communities’ needs for federated access through the EGI AAI Check-In service.

Target audience: This tutorial is designed for scientific communities and end users who want to experience how to access the federated resources and services of the EGI Infrastructure.

This training session is led by:

23 September 2022
9:30 - 11:00