Join the EOSC DIH for a webinar on Human Leadership and improve the way you lead. Build awareness about your styles of leading and managing, learn to listen more deeply and learn and reflect on how to build relationships that get the most out of the people you lead while creating a better human connection.
About the trainer:
Chaya Mistry, Human Leadership Coach, & Consultant
A human leadership and communication coach, trainer and consultant, Chaya helps people to lead and communicate in a more human way, creating space for human change for whole organisations or for one human at a time. With a background in Psychology, a Chartered PR practitioner and an Accredited leadership coach. Chaya is the coordinator of the Inner Development Goals Hub for Global Human Leadership.
As founder of Humanly, a human leadership development consultancy. Chaya works with her associates across 3 countries, to support organisations that are ready to lead more Humanly. We coach executives and their teams, helping clients to build soft human skills of self-awareness, effective relationships, emotional intelligence and a mindset of curiosity and growth with clarity, courage and compassion.
A global thought leader, a woman of colour, mother of two girls, British Asian Indian- migrant to The Netherlands.