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OBPS Workshop VIII

New practices for the ocean on the cloud

15 October 2024 - 17:00-18:30 UTC
OBPS Workshop VIII 2024

CoastPredict UN Ocean Decade Programme will integrate cloud-based computing to enhance data accessibility, reproducibility, usability and collaborative research as part of an evolution in the delivery of user-focussed products and services for coastal ocean observing, forecasting and management. This workshop aims to explore the need for new practices to optimise the use of cloud-based technologies as an open and reproducible platform for coastal ocean services development. The workshop will present examples from leading experts and researchers that highlight the challenges and opportunities in implementing cloud-based solutions for coastal ocean data and information management, analysis and sharing. Case studies where cloud computing has been effectively utilised to support open, reproducible and scalable ocean science, will offer practical insights and lessons learned into the potential of cloud-based platforms to revolutionise coastal ocean science and solutions provision.

Key questions include the need for standardised formats for data and information exchange, to ensure interoperability and comparability. Participants will provide input on challenges and best practices for data sharing, the development of open-source tools, and the implementation of robust metadata standards. The discussion during this session will aim to outline priorities for new practices and highlight existing standards that could be integrated and evolved, to facilitate more efficient, transparent, and impactful coastal ocean science. This workshop will serve as a foundation to ensure alignment on standards for interoperability and exchange for a paradigm of coastal ocean observing and forecasting where data and information are more accessible, analysis tools are open and reproducible, and collaborations are more seamless.

Giuseppe La Rocca, Community Support Lead at the EGI Foundation, takes part in the webinar with the presentation “Advanced computing solutions from EGI for healthy oceans and seas”.

UNESCO/IOC Project office for IODE
15 October 2024
17:00 UTC

Agenda (all times UTC)

  • 17:00-17:05 Welcome and introduction to the session - Giovanni Coppini, CMCC Foundation
  • 17:05-17:20 Enhancing GlobalCoast Site Activities through the Integration of maDMPs and SKGs with EGI - Miguel Charcos-Llorens, SOCIB
  • 17:20-17:40 Pangeo: A community platform for open, reproducible, and scalable geoscience - Richard Signell, US Geological Survey
  • 17:40-18:00 Advanced computing solutions from EGI for healthy oceans and seas - Giuseppe La Rocca, EGI Foundation
  • 18:00-18:30 Discussion

About the OBPS Workshop

The objective of the eighth Ocean Best Practices System Workshop (OBPS WSVIII) is to facilitate the cross-cutting primary role of best practices in operational oceanography by promoting dialogues across science and technology. In the era of Digital Twins for the Ocean, the need of best practices is fundamental for a more interoperable and reliable use of ocean data, for the evolution of the worldwide observing network from the deep ocean to the coast and for dealing with complex forecasting systems. The ultimate goal for satisfying this need is to provide standards and tools for developing new solutions for marine conservation, for predictions and monitoring, for a sustainable ocean environment, and a sustainable Blue Economy.

The Agenda framework has Plen​aries, scheduled on 14th and 18th October, and Workshop Sessions from 15 to 17 October. The first  Workshop  Plenary is devoted to the evolution of our Ocean knowledge and policy, and the second one addresses workshop recommendations and ​future perspectives. The workshop will be held online, including parallel sessions, keynotes and presentations, organised across time zones:  (time zone A: Atlantic (covering from Eastern Americas to Eastern Europe/ Africa/ Middle-East), and, time zone B: = Pacific (covering from Middle-East / Western Indian Ocean to Western Americas).