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Advancing Coastal Forecasting: OPENCoastS Development and Insights from EGI Services

26 March 2025 - 14:00 CET

About the webinar

Join us for an in-depth webinar on the development and deployment of OPENCoastS, a state-of-the-art platform for coastal forecast modelling, and its integration with EGI services. The session will highlight the latest developments and its integration in LNEC’s Digital Twin platform – CONNECT – to support coastal management. This session will provide a technical overview of the computational challenges, architectural decisions, and performance optimisations involved in leveraging EGI Cloud and High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources. The presentation will also highlight key lessons learned, best practices, and future directions for enhancing scalability and efficiency in coastal modelling applications. This webinar is particularly relevant for researchers, developers, and service providers interested in applying advanced e-Infrastructure solutions to environmental and geospatial sciences.

Target Audience

This webinar is mainly intended for researchers, developers, and service providers.


45min presentation + 15min Q&A

About the presenters

Anabela Oliveira has an extensive experience in forecasting coastal dynamics for over 15 years. Her research combines computer science with coastal engineering to produce tools tailored to stakeholders needs in multiple areas such as flood early warning, emergency response to contamination events (oil spills, urban discharges,…) and analysis of CC impact or anthropogenic effects on the coast. For the last 7 years, she has been coordinating the development and application of OPENCoastS, an open source, on-demand forecast service with applications on all continents. The development of OPENCoastS has led to the concept of Coastal Digital Twins that she has proposed as part of her habilitation thesis. Anabela has participated in over 50 international and national research projects covering estuaries and coasts dynamics, modeling and forecasting. She has published over 70 ISI-indexed papers and has an h-index of 25.

26 March 2025
14:00 CET