Recently, a range of new functionalities and resources have become available on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) to support data intensive research, data discovery and more. There has been much discussion on the EOSC vision, but what is the actual added value for researchers and end users?
EGI-ACE co-organised webinar: Pan-European digital assets supporting research communities: Benefits and opportunities

Scope of the webinar
EOSC Future and the INFRAEOSC-07 projects (C-SCALE, DICE, EGI-ACE, OpenAIRE Nexus, Reliance) are hosting an online showcase event for researchers. The thematic focus of this event will be 3 UN Sustainable Development Goals: Climate action (SDG 3), Industry, Innovation & infrastructure (SDG 9) and Good health & wellbeing (SDG 13).
Over 2 half-day webinars, a series of use cases, presented by real users, will show how EOSC digital assets, developed and provided by EOSC Future & the INFRAEOSC-07 projects, can help research communities throughout Europe do their work more effectively. The interactive and first-hand format of the event will show how research communities working to address global challenges can be leveraged by core EOSC services.