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Daniele Spiga

Software engineer with 10+ years expertise: develops innovative solutions for distributed systems (Cloud/GRID)

Daniele Spiga is Technologist (Tecnologo) at Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) in Perugia where is the head of the Network and Computing Service. Daniele is the Italian Computing coordinator for the CMS Experiment.

Highly focused on scientific computing with a comprehensive understanding of complex Distributed Computing systems, Daniele has got extensive expertise in managing software and computing projects, spanning the full range from design phase up to support for end users. He is currently co-coordinating the Dynamic Resource Provisioning group of Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at CERN, responsible for the Operation of the High Level Trigger farm for offline use, Integration and operation of cloud-based WLCG sites and, more in general, integration of High Performance Computing, Opportunistic and Volunteers providers. Since 2016 he is coordinator of the Dynamic On-Demand Analysis Service (DODAS) project, developing a Platform as a Service Cloud solution based on containers and microservices. Daniele took part in several EU Projects such as EOSC-Pillar, EOSC-hub, XDC and ESCAPE.

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