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Giuseppe La Rocca

Community Support Lead

Giuseppe La Rocca works as Community Support Team Lead at the EGI Foundation. One of his main activities is to establish strategies for the retention, development and growth of the network of research projects and initiatives collaborating with EGI, of the community of users of EGI services, and for managing the EGI Engagement, Support and the Training Annual Plan. Since 2004, both at National and European level, he has worked as technologist for the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) division of Catania in distributed computing projects co-funded by the European Commission.  During these years, he has matured strong skills and competences on Grids and Clouds technologies, working on ICT scientific developments for supporting both emerging and already established VRCs. Giuseppe holds a MSc in Computer Science Engineering from the University of Catania (Italy).

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The EGI Foundation

Science Park 140
1098 XG Amsterdam
The Netherlands


Phone: +31 (0)20 89 32 007