Renato Santana works as Service Delivery Officer at EGI Foundation and is involved with operations activities related to the EGI Production infrastructure and software provisioning. He has worked for the Brazilian Science and Technology Ministry for more than 35 years and in the past 13 years at CBPF (the Brazilian Government Physics Research Centre) as grid site manager and Technical responsible for the CBPF grid site. At this time he also worked within CERN/LHCb/CBPF collaboration as GEOC (Grid expert on Call). He is a project coordinator at LNCC (Brazilian Institute for Computing Research Centre) for the SDumont HPC use project by CERN experiments. In EGI Foundation he got the FitSM (basic level) certification. He holds a Master MsC degree in Knowledge Based Systems at Sussex University (UK). The DSc. in Computing Science, was not defended/concluded, at University of Rio de Janeiro(UFRJ) and UCLA(US),