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Valeria Ardizzone

IAM Solution Manager

Valeria Ardizzone is Solution Architect at EGI Foundation, with particular attention to the Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI). With a career that began 20 years ago in the implementation of computational solutions that improve the overall experience of researchers in the use of e-Infrastructures, her responsibilities today include managing the strategy and roadmap of EGI’s Identity and Access Management services (Check-in and Perun), driving identity solutions and ensuring the architectural quality and alignment of the many initiatives that are continuously implemented to support EGI communities. She is also a member of the AAI EOSC-A task force (which aims to provide a consistent infrastructure for authentication, authorization and access control for the EOSC) and the GAIA-X Identity and Access Management working group . Her boundless energy is contagious. If you haven’t had the chance to meet her, take the time to connect with her because she values relationships, shared learnings and innovations.