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Federating European EO Services

C-Scale (Copernicus – eoSC AnaLytics Engine)

Project Coordinated by EODC

C-SCALE (Copernicus – eoSC AnaLytics Engine) is an EC-funded project that aims to federate European EO infrastructure services, such as the Copernicus DIAS and others. The federation shall capitalise on the European Open Science Cloud’s (EOSC) capacity and capabilities to support Copernicus research and operations with large and easily accessible European computing environments. That would allow the rapid scaling and sharing of EO data among a large community of users by increasing the service offering of the EOSC Portal.

Funding Source
EC Horizon 2020
project budget
EUR 1.999.670,00
egi budget
EUR 356.162,50
Contract No.
type of project
Research and innovation
Target Group
Research communities

EGI Foundation Role in the Project

EGI is supporting EODC in the project coordination and is leading the activity to setup the C-SCALE Compute Federation, leveraging on its exstensive experience on setup and managing large distributed infrastructures. EGI is also taking care of the interactions with other EOSC initiatives and projects and has a leading role on defining C-SCALE business and sustainability.

News about C-Scale
