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Creating a Robust Accessible Federated Technology for Open Access


Project coordinated by Georg-August-Universität Goettingen Stiftung Öffentlichen Rechts (UGOE)
The OA journals publishing landscape in Europe – at local, regional and national levels- is hugely diverse, and often scattered across numerous organisations. However, many of these publishing services struggle to reach the necessary professionalisation and maturity levels required in state-of-the-art Open Access publishing. The majority are based on OJS, are in various technical states of development, and serve smaller and larger disciplines which add to language pluralism and bibliodiversity.  CRAFT-OA aims to create a more resilient landscape — meaning a robust pan-European network of infrastructures — will take into account local capacities, and leverage existing systems, while providing upper-level expertise to enable upscaling, professionalisation and consortial momentum. Instead of recreating new platforms, the aim is to strengthen existing ones by central expertise, collaboration and a joint visibility/indexing layer.
Funding Source
EC Horizon Europe
project budget
EUR 5.233,976.00
egi budget
EUR 147,688.00
Contract No.
type of project
Research and innovation
Target Group
Research communities

EGI Foundation role in the project:

EGI coordinates the task dedicated to the Single Sign-On access with the EGI Check-in service.