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Developing a novel data-driven risk factor prediction model for older individuals at risk of cognitive decline.


Project Coordinated by FH Joanneum Gesellschaft MBH

LETHE will provide a novel data-driven risk factor prediction model for older individuals at risk of cognitive decline building upon big data analysis of cross-sectional observational and longitudinal intervention datasets from 4 clinical centers in Europe including the 11-years analysis of FINGER. LETHE will establish novel digital biomarkers, for early detection of risk factors, based on unobtrusive ICT-based passive and active monitoring.

project budget
EUR 6.000.000,00
egi budget
EUR 339.500
Contract No.
type of project
Research and innovation
Target Group
Research communities

EGI Foundation Role in the Project

EGI Foundation is leading the design of LETHE system architecture and building a data collection and big data framework, including set-up of the LETHE big data infrastructure, set-up the authentication scheme for the LETHE project and registration of the LETHE infrastructure and services in EOSC.

Expected Results:

The aim is to establish a digital-enabled intervention for cognitive decline prevention based on the evolution of a successful protocol evolving into an ICT based preventive lifestyle intervention through individualized profiling, personalized recommendations, feedback and support, well targeted on a population stratified by cost-effective biological biomarkers.

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