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Service Strategy 2022-2024

This report describes the service strategy of the EGI Federation for the period 2022-2024

In 2019, the EGI Council approved the 5-year federation strategy 2020-2024. In the context of this work, the implementation of Strategic Goal 2 “Evolve the service offering to meet the needs of researchers” demands the development of a service strategy and related services roadmaps that will drive the research and development efforts of the EGI community and the evolution of the EGI service catalogue.
Today’s EGI services deliver advanced computing services to support scientists, multinational projects and
research infrastructures, and are organised in two catalogues. The internal catalogue delivers coordination and federation services to the data centres that are part of the EGI infrastructure, while the external catalogue addresses researchers, scientific communities, and innovators by delivering data-intensive computing,  storage, data management, data analytics, trust and identity management, and training. The external catalogue services can be requested via the EGI Marketplace.
This document sets the priorities for the investigation of new or improved services considering the needs in
data-intensive scientific computing gathered from research infrastructures, scientific collaborations, communities of practice and innovators. The creation of a Service Strategy is part of a larger effort to update the EGI Federation strategy and to define specific plans in selected areas. The EGI Service Strategy supports and complements day-by-day service portfolio management activities of the EGI Federation.