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Service for Federation

Operations Coordination and Support

Coordinate activities to ensure seamless operations

Operations Coordination and Support

Operations Coordination and Support guarantees that a set of management and coordinating activities are in place to ensure that operational activities run smoothly across the e-infrastructure. This service guarantees a seamless federated infrastructure that delivers services at an agreed service level.

Operations Coordination and Support makes sure that members of the EGI Council have:

  • Established processes to coordinate operations, user communities, security, integration, and service management
  • Access to reports and documentation on policies, information procedures, best practices, data gathering or Operational Tools
  • The opportunity to develop their own teams working groups, task forces and shared practices
  • Facilitated access to existing knowledge


EGI Federation Home
EGI Foundation

The EGI internal services are provided for the benefit of the EGI Council members and affiliated organisations.

The internal services complement the EGI Services for academia and business with tools designed to facilitate coordination and improve how the EGI Federation works together.

See other services

Services for Research

Our large-scale computing and data analytics services are helping scientists to accelerate the process leading...

Services for Business

We help companies to exploit services and resources for compute- and data-intensive research and innovation.

Services for Federation

Our internal services provide tools for coordination of the EGI Federation, improving how we work...

Let's talk. Contact our Support Team.

Do you have a question or need further help on our Operations Coordination and Support service? Fill out the form and let's connect.



The EGI Foundation

Science Park 140
1098 XG Amsterdam
The Netherlands


Phone: +31 (0)20 89 32 007