EGI Federation Home
Service for Federation

Project Management and Planning

A joint approach to planning and management

Project Management and Planning

Project Management and Planning provides the coordination necessary to efficiently run common activities across the EGI federation. The Project Management team oversees the EGI Foundation and steers the community’s contribution to European projects, ensuring that quality outputs are achieved on time, efficiently, and within budget.

Thanks to Project Management and Planning, the EGI members can gain:

  • Reduced management overhead
  • Efficient execution of joint strategies for e-Infrastructures with many partners from different countries
  • Stronger connection with the EC policies
  • Easier mechanisms for working together

Let's talk. Contact our Support Team.

Do you have a question or need further help on our Project Management and Planning service? Fill out the form and let's connect.



The EGI Foundation

Science Park 140
1098 XG Amsterdam
The Netherlands


Phone: +31 (0)20 89 32 007