EGI Federation Home
Service for Federation

Strategy and Policy Development

One federation, one vision, one strategy

Strategy and Policy Development

Strategy and Policy Development supports the EGI Federation to plan strategic activities and monitor execution.

The service also:

  • Supports the EGI Federation with analysis of current themes and policy documents and produces reports for informed decision making.
  • Develops strategic relationships with other organisations on behalf of the EGI Federation and defines collaboration agreements
  • Develops and improves business and governance models suitable for EGI.
  • Supports the business engagement program to strengthen collaboration and innovation activities with the private sector.

The main results of this service are:

  • Joint strategy for the EGI federation
  • Alignment of intent with policymakers
  • Service strategy
  • Establishment of valuable partnerships
  • Stimulation of innovation together with the private sector

Let's talk. Contact our Support Team.

Do you have a question or need further help on our Strategy and Policy Development service? Fill out the form and let's connect.



The EGI Foundation

Science Park 140
1098 XG Amsterdam
The Netherlands


Phone: +31 (0)20 89 32 007