Servers, and services uptime are guaranteed to be up at least 90-95% of the time to users. Service targets are defined in Operations Service Agreements (OLAs)
Scale-up domain-specific web hosting solutions on the EGI Federated Cloud
Key benefits
A reliable and technical support offered via the EGI helpdesk. Technical support available (at least) during working hours (from 09:00 to 17:00 in the time zone of the relevant Resource Centres). The customer’s quality of support can be personalized with dedicated Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Network bandwidth with the servers is guaranteed to be up at least 10Gbps
Provide united, federation-wide Dynamic DNS support for servers in EGI Federated Clouds
Access secured via SSL certificates, federated authentication and authorization mechanisms and standard protocols including SAML and OIDC. Personal data processed in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Service Provider. ISO27K certifications for handling sensitive information may be provided
Access to services is guaranteed via web interfaces, CLI, OpenStack native APIs, Terraform and libclouds libs

Joaquin del Rio Fernandez (UPC), Head of Obsea Observatory says:“Thanks to the collaboration with EGI we expect to improve our data collection and outreach services to the general public and scientific community who access Obsea data. For our Obsea infrastructure, such collaboration is really very important to keep marine data generation alive!”.