Tutorials for common uses cases in the EGI infrastructure concerning all the services in the EGI portfolio.
EGI Training Materials
Interested in learning resources? Discover training materials, guidelines and tutorials from EGI Foundation and Partners

Tutorials & Guides
In this section, you will discover a comprehensive collection of Tutorials and Guides designed by members of the EGI Federation. These resources are specifically designed to equip researchers and scientists with essential knowledge, enabling them to seamlessly navigate and accomplish common tasks within the EGI federated infrastructure.
These tutorials provides an overview of the EGI federation and of the EGI services, with highlights of their typical use cases.
Tutorials for individual services from the EGI owned service portfolio, as well as services that are offered by the broader EGI community to complement the EGI services towards certain types of advanced computing use cases.
A deep dive on the advanced services to conduct world-class research and innovation.
Examples of domain-specific Thematic Services benefiting from the solutions offered by the EGI Infrastructure.
Step-by-step tutorials for common tasks in the EGI Infrastructure.
Training Catalogue
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